Season 2 Year 2 Episode 62
S2. E62. 7/10
-Andrew needs more boiling water for his ramen.
-Andrews kettlepot.
-Not blow, suck a cup.
-The bowl shatters.
-Geoff comes home to 12 dudes chainsawing his trees.
-Arrow makes a mess just before the podcast.
-Geoffs sauce is a condiment.
-People watching in Vegas.
-Andrew embarrasses himself in online poker.
-Vegas lady spilling 1000’s of dollars.
-Luck Gavin, unluck Dan.
-Will Gavins luck rub off on Andrew in Vegas?
-Dan and Geoff are on the same level.
-Still trying to organise Geoffs bike trick.
-Andrew fires a new fire extinguisher.
-Gavin picks a bet for Andrew.