Season 1 Episode 35
S1. E35. 7/10
-Is Geoff as ridiculous as Andrew?
-Eric blow drys himself.
-Eric intentionally has a wet arse.
-Is Geoffs girlfriend shitting in the backyard?
-What if you could only poop in a Best buy?
-Sink mushrooms.
-Andrew lost his Donkey Kong 64 save.
-Andrew uses his coffee pod machine to make ramen.
-Andrew should sleep in his kitchen.
-Geoffs impatient nail cutting.
-Bats sold out in seconds.
-Burger bet 3.
-Ruler or pencil?
-Bill Ripken cards are rising in price.
-Who’s the Matt Bragg of sports?
-Sliding into Earnies DM.
-What’s a knob?